
Manage Your Client List in RightCapital

The Advisor Portal > Clients tab is where you can find your client list in RightCapital. In this area, you can manage your entire book of business:
Key Takeaways:
  • Create new clients and open existing client plans via the Client List.
  • View and edit household information in the Personal Info tab.
  • Invite clients and manage client access via the Client Access tab.
  • Customize and re-order the client portal in the Planning Access tab.
  • Tailor the initial data entry process within the Onboarding tab.

For advisors with Team Sharing enabled, you can also switch between client lists, and mark specific plans private.

Client List

Your client list can be found on the left side of the Advisor Portal > Clients tab. This area provides insight into your entire book of business within RightCapital. The client list lets you search for individual client plans, and view specific groups from the dropdown menu. Households will be listed alphabetically based on the client's last name:

Search by Client or Co-Client

Clients will display based on the name of the first client listed in the plan, but you can still search by co-client if you like.

Add & Open Client Plans

New client plans can be created by clicking the '+ Add a New Client' button at the top of the client list. Client plans that have already been created can be opened by clicking on a particular client in the client list, and then clicking the 'Open Client' button in the upper right of the page (or the arrow icon next to the client's name):

Delete a Client Plan

If you need to delete a client plan from your client list, you can do so by hovering your mouse over that client's name, and then clicking the 'x' icon that appears to the far right:

If you ever delete a client plan by mistake and need it recovered, please reach out to RightCapital Support.

Hide Your Client List

This area allows listing all client information, or using a discrete, searchable list that will not immediately preview client details. To remove client names from the list, visit the Gear Icon > Account > Preferences tab and check off "Do not automatically list my clients on Advisor Portal > Clients Page". This will create a searchable list that can pull up households without exposing additional client details from your book of business:

Personal Info

After choosing a client household from your client list, you can manage their information and access using the three tabs to the right of the client list. The first of these is the Personal Info tab, which is where you can enter the names, birthdays, and contact info for each household:

Contact Information

If you have imported the household via a third-party CRM integration, like Redtail or Wealthbox, some of the contact information may already be present within the Personal Info tab.

Client names and birthdays are shared between the Clients tab of the Advisor Portal, and the Profile > Family tab of the Client Plan. Contact information does not impact the Client Plan in any way.
When updating a household address, be sure to enter a full address (street, city, state, and zip code), or your changes will not be saved.
Note on 'Residence State'
Please note that the 'State' field within Personal Info > Contact Information is not connected to the 'Residence State' input within the client plan. To enter a resident state in the plan, navigate to Profile > Family and open the Client card:

Team Sharing

For advisors with Team Sharing enabled, you can choose whether you want a specific client household to be 'Shared with teammates', or 'Private'. Choosing the Private option will prevent teammates who are in Collaborator or Observer roles from accessing the plan:


You can choose a specific household's Client Group within the 'Select group' dropdown at the bottom of the Personal Info tab. Client groups are created and managed within the Client Settings > Client Groups tab of the Advisor Portal:

Client Access

The Client Access tab for each client is where you invite clients, manage their access, and determine their client portal settings:

Invite Clients & Manage Access

To invite a client to have access to their client plan, choose that client from your client list, navigate to their Client Access tab, and then type in their email address. Clicking 'Invite' will generate and send that client their invitation:

After the invitation has been accepted by the client, you can manage their access by clicking the 'Manage' button next to their email:

More information on inviting clients, managing access, and tracking client activities can be found within the article below:

Client Portal Settings

After inviting a client, you can fully customize the client portal settings to determine what the client can and can't change within their plan:
How Your Client Interacts With The Profile Items:

This setting determines whether or not clients can update information within the Profile tab of the client portal. This is where data entry is done for the client's Current plan.
  • "Client can update profile information" will allow the client to update their Net Worth, Goals, Income, Savings, Expenses, and Family Profile.
  • "Client cannot change the profile information; information will be read only" will prevent clients from entering any data themselves.

For advisors with Account Aggregation enabled, your clients will always be able to Link Accounts in the Profile > Net Worth section, regardless of the option you select for this setting.

How Your Client Interacts With The Action Items:

This setting determines whether or not clients can make changes using the Action Items in the Retirement > Analysis section. This is where proposals and what-if scenarios are modeled.
  • "Client cannot change any action items" will prevent clients from making changes to the Action Items.
  • "Client can try different action items, but the changes will not be saved" will allow clients to use the Action Items, but will prevent them from being able to Save any changes.
  • "Client can try different action items, and the changes will be saved into the client account" will allow clients to use the Action Items, as well as Save their changes. When using this option, the Action Items on the client side will differ from those on the advisor side. Changes made and saved on the client side will never overwrite changes made and saved on the advisor side.

Clients will not have the ability to Add New Proposals to the Retirement Analysis, regardless of the option you select for this setting. They will also not have access to the Action Items > Edit or Reset buttons.

Planning Access

The Planning Access tab allows you to determine which pages each client will have access to upon logging into their client portal. It can also be used to re-order the modules and tabs within that plan, regardless of whether the client has been invited:

Customize Module Access

Check the boxes next to the specific modules you would like that client to be able to see. Modules that are underlined can be clicked into, allowing for further customization. After making your selections, click Save in the lower right:
On the client side, invited clients will only be able to see the modules that are checked on their Planning Access checklist. This will not impact your view of the plan from the advisor side- you will always have access to every tab and planning module regardless of your Planning Access selections.
Client Access Mode
You can impersonate the client perspective and view the custom interface you've created for each client by opening the plan in Client Access Mode. Click the downward-facing arrow next to the Open Client button to find this option:

Rearrange the Client Plan

You can also drag and drop specific modules or tabs to rearrange the order in which they will appear within the client plan. This can be done regardless of whether the client has been invited, and the changes will impact the view of the plan from both the advisor side and the client side:

Planning Access Templates

You can save a specific planning access layout as a template, for easy access in the future. Click the link for more on Planning Access Templates.


For newly created clients that are still within the initial data entry process, the Onboarding section will be available as an extra tab within the Client List. This area allows you to customize the onboarding experience for your clients by adding, removing, and re-ordering the steps of initial data entry:

Remove or Re-Order Steps

By default, the original six steps of data entry in RightCapital are Family > Income > Savings > Net Worth > Expenses > Goals:

If you'd like to remove any of these steps, deselect the box next to those steps. If you'd like to re-arrange the order in which they appear, you can drag and drop each step into your preferred order. The only step that can't be removed or re-ordered is the Family Profile.

Upon next opening the client plan, the initial data entry template will update to reflect your changes. Clients who have been invited to have access to their plan and are being onboarded virtually will also see these changes:

Add New Steps

If you would like for a client to upload documents to their Vault or complete a Risk Questionnaire as a part of their onboarding process, you can also choose to add these steps to the initial data entry. This can be done by checking the boxes for each item:

For Risk Questionnaires, you can click into the underlined header within the Onboarding tab to specify:

  • Which of your pre-built questionnaires you'd like to assign to the client

  • Whether you would like the co-client to also complete that assessment

Looking for more on Risk Questionnaires?

For a step-by-step walkthrough on creating risk questionnaires in RightCapital, click here.

Onboarding with the Blueprint

If you have a preference for the Blueprint layout (found in the Profile > Blueprint area of each client plan), you can use this same layout for client onboarding instead of the traditional profile card view. To do this, locate the 'Select template type' dropdown in the Data Entry Menu and select the 'Blueprint' option:

With this option selected, the initial data entry template will be adjusted to reflect the visuals and design from the Blueprint module. The functionality to Add New Items and Modify Existing Items mirrors the functionality within the Blueprint as well, with the added ability to Link Accounts within the Net Worth tab:

When using the Blueprint as your onboarding template type, you can still opt to include the Vault and Risk Questionnaires in the initial data entry process. See the Add New Steps section above for an overview.

Onboarding Templates

You can save a specific onboarding layout as a template, for easy access in the future. Click the link for more on Onboarding Templates.

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