Client Groups

The most valuable asset in your firm is the relationship you develop with your clients. RightCaptial provides the tools to organize households by creating Client Groups, which can be fully customized to best suit your unique book of business. Client groups can be found in the Client Settings > Client Groups tab of your Advisor Portal:
Your Client Settings tab may be located in the °°° More Menu, depending on your specific account setup.

Key Takeaways:
  • Choose the client group for each household within the Advisor Portal > Clients > Personal Info tab. Quickly and easily sort your clients by group within your client list.

  • Tailor the default templates for your two clients groups selected as the 'Default for New Clients' and 'Default for New Leads' within the Client Settings > Client Groups tab.

  • Assign Tasks and Templates en masse to one or more client groups at a time. Isolate specific client groups within RightIntel, Risk, and more.

Default Client Groups

By default, every RightCapital account will include the following three client groups: "Existing Clients", "Prospect Clients" and "Sample Clients":
Existing Clients

As a starting point, this client group will be set as the 'Default for New Clients'. Any clients that are created manually in RightCapital or imported via a CRM or other integration will automatically be sorted into this group.

Prospect Client

As a starting point, this client group will be set as the 'Default for New Leads'. Any prospects that sign up using your RightCapital Leads URL will automatically be sorted into this group.

Sample Clients

This group will include the three Sample Plans that are pre-built into every new RightCapital account (Millenial Sample, Pre-Retiree Sample, and Retiree Sample).

Adding New Client Groups

Within the Client Settings > Client Groups tab, you can add new client groups by clicking the + Add Group button in the upper right:
After creating a new group, you can name the group whatever you'd like. Be sure to click the blue checkmark to the right of the textbox (or hit Enter on your keyboard) to save the group name.

Customizing Client Groups

Existing client groups can be customized in a number of ways within the Client Settings > Client Groups tab. Each column provides you with a different customization option for each group:

Include in RightIntel Dashboard

Checking this box next to a client group will update the RightIntel > Dashboard tab to include that group. Unchecking this box for a group will exclude that group from the metrics. RightIntel provides advisor-level analytics and key metrics across all of your included client groups:
When does this change take effect?

Including or excluding client groups from the RightIntel Dashboard is not an immediate change. This change will take effect when the RightIntel Dashboard next updates. This update occurs once per business day.

Default for New Clients

Only one group can be chosen as the Default for New Clients. By default, this will be the Existing Clients group. Any clients that are created manually in RightCapital or imported via a CRM or other integration will automatically be sorted into this group.

Default for New Leads

Only one group can be chosen as the Default for New Leads. By default, this will be the Prospect Clients group. Any prospects that sign up using your RightCapital Leads URL will automatically be sorted into this group.

Default Templates

For the two client groups that are selected as the 'Default for New Clients' and 'Default for New Leads', you are able to adjust the default templates for each group by clicking the 'Edit' button to the far right. This will open a drawer on the right of your screen, allowing you to make your selections for:

These selections will be applied for new clients created within each group going forward. Existing clients within each group will not be impacted.

Rename or Delete Groups

Existing client groups can be renamed at any time by hovering your mouse over the group name, and clicking the pencil and paper icon that appears to the right:

You can delete client groups as well by clicking the 'x' icon that appears to the right when renaming a group:

Changing a Household's Client Group

You can change an individual household's client group by navigating to the Advisor Portal > Clients tab, selecting the household from your client list, and scrolling down to the bottom of their Personal Info subtab:

Where to Use Client Groups

After creating and customizing your client groups to your liking, they can be utilized in a number of places to streamline your day-to-day planning processes:

Client List

Within the Advisor Portal > Clients tab, you can use the filter above the client list on the left side of the page to isolate households within a specific client group:

Tasks & Templates

When creating Tasks and applying Templates in your Advisor Portal, you will be able to select one or more client groups in addition to individual client households. This makes quick and easy work of assigning specific tasks or applying specific templates to entire groups of clients at once:

Additional Areas


Filter by client group within the Client Overview and Opportunities tabs of RightIntel:


Filter by client group within the Summary > Household tab of Risk:


Filter by client group within the Advisor Portal Vault:

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