Once you've completed the initial data entry for a client, you'll be taken directly to their client plan. From this point on, you'll have access to all of the planning modules you'll need to effectively analyze plan output, model what-if scenarios, and curate strategies to improve your client's financial future.
Revisit Data Entry in the Profile


To dive deeper into the Blueprint module, or to review any of the other sections of the Profile going forward, feel free to bookmark the following page:
Introduction to the Planning Modules
Client plans in RightCapital have a modular design, in which individual planning tools combine to form a more cohesive whole. Below you'll find an introductory overview of each planning module, followed by links to more resources when you're ready to take a deeper dive. Let's jump in!
Learning to navigate the planning modules can take time, and we know that your time is valuable. Please remember that our team is here to help at every step of your journey with RightCapital. Never hesitate to reach out to our Support Team with any questions you might have!
RightCapital's Dashboard module is home to a number of tables, tools, and visuals, all of which provide insight into key information within a client plan. Here, you can curate a one-page report, analyze the current state of a client's assets, track client spending, and even create and assign tasks:

The Snapshot module allows you to create a streamlined plan summary by organizing key charts and highlights in a single- or multi-page layout.
- The Balance Sheet provides an overview of a client's assets, liabilities and net worth, featuring warm visuals that clearly convey information to clients.
The Liquidity Analysis provides you with an intuitive breakdown of a client's actual liquidity in comparison to a chosen liquidity target.
- The Budget Analysis empowers clients to create a monthly budget and stay on top of their spending within their RightCapital financial plan.
- The Tasks module allows you to create and assign tasks to keep your clients on track towards achieving their goals.
For more detailed information on the Dashboard module, please feel free to watch the training video(s) below:
RightCapital's Investment module allows you to better visualize the impact of a client's investments on their overall retirement plan. Here, you can analyze a client's current allocation, view their future allocation path, break down their tax allocation, and take a deeper dive into their holdings:

The Asset Allocation tab is where you can view a household's current allocation (equity/fixed income split, asset class breakdown, and annual return percentage), and compare that to a target allocation of your choosing.
The Allocation Path tab allows you to easily illustrate to a client how their investment strategy may change over the course of their plan.
The Risk Analysis allows you to assign clients risk assessment questionnaires, and provides you with tools to help clients better understand their unique tolerance for risk.
The Sector and Style tab provides a granular breakdown of the client's investment positions, identified by public ticker symbol, compared to a broad market index.
The Concentration tab will identify and highlight any concentrated positions within a client's investment portfolio.
The Tax Allocation tab provides an overview of how a client's invested assets are categorized by taxation (taxable, tax-deferred, and tax-free).
The Holdings tab enables you to view, filter, and sort all of the holdings within a client's portfolio based on your desired criteria.
For more detailed information on the Investment module, please feel free to watch the training video(s) below:

- The Retirement Analysis module allows you to view a client's probability of success, model what-if scenarios, and directly compare a client's current plan to an individually tailored proposal.
The Stress Test provides you with a quick, easy way to address client concerns and test a plan's resilience to a number of common financial stressors.
- The Social Security module allows you to directly compare different filing strategies against one another. It will also calculate an "optimal" strategy to maximize benefits over time.
The Medicare module is an interactive conversation piece, designed to bring clarity to the sometimes murky waters of Medicare enrollment.
The Cash Flows module allows you to break down all of the details within a client's retirement plan, from cash inflows and outflows to investment returns and withdrawals.
For more detailed information on the Retirement module, please feel free to watch the training video(s) below:
The Insurance module in RightCapital is your home base for analyzing different types of insurance needs. This area includes a comprehensive, cash-flow based Life Insurance Analysis (akin to the Retirement Analysis), in addition to dedicated tools for Disability, Long-Term Care, and Property & Casualty coverage.

- The Life Insurance Analysis considers the question: "What if a client or co-client were to pass away one year from now?" Fine-tune the details of each scenario, and visualize current and proposed coverage in relation to each client's protection need.
The Disability Insurance Analysis illustrates a scenario where the client or co-client becomes disabled tomorrow, allowing you to propose a Disability policy to cover the shortage.
The Long-Term Care Insurance Analysis demonstrates how LTC coverage can help mitigate the impact of LTC costs on a client's investments.
The Property and Casualty tab allows you to track existing and propose additional homeowners, auto, and umbrella insurance.
For more detailed information on the Insurance module, please feel free to watch the training video(s) below:
RightCapital's Education Funding Analysis pulls in education costs for all members of a client household, and allows you to individually tailor an education funding strategy for each one. This is a valuable tool for clients who plan to fund pre-college or college goals for themselves, their children, or their grandchildren.

- Within each "Student" tab, you will find the projected education costs for that individual, along with clean visuals showcasing the percentage of those costs that are currently funded.
Use the Action Items to dial in a funding strategy for each student. Make adjustments to education costs, 529 contributions, funding sources, and more.
- Reference the cash flow tables in the Details tab for a closer look at the mechanics of what's happening as a result of your strategy.
Implement your education proposal in the Retirement Analysis module to see the impact on a client's retirement projections.
For more detailed information on the Education module, please feel free to watch the training video(s) below:
The Tax module in RightCapital provides you with a powerful and diverse suite of tools and analytics. Quickly identify a client's effective or marginal tax rate, show clients how their tax burden might change over time, and curate specific tax strategies to bolster tax-adjusted ending assets:

- The Tax Estimate module allows you to illustrate to clients their effective, ordinary income, and capital gains tax rates throughout their financial plan.
The Tax Strategies module allows you to model asset location, withdrawal sequence, and roth conversion proposals to improve a client's tax efficiency.
The Tax Analyzer allows you to scan a client's tax returns in just a few clicks, converting their 1040 and other schedules into clear, malleable data for analysis.
For more detailed information on the Tax module, please feel free to watch the training video(s) below:
RightCapital's Estate module provides a valuable look into what is projected to happen to a client's assets after they pass away. You'll also find tools to list and track account beneficiaries, and to help clients stay on top of important estate planning documents.

- The Beneficiary module enables clients to list beneficiary designations for all bank accounts, investment accounts, and life insurance policies within their plan.
- The Estate Analysis provides insight into how assets will flow to a surviving spouse, and eventually to the client's heirs, in a dynamic environment. Use the Action Items to fine-tune the details of the analysis, and propose trust strategies to help strengthen a client's financial goals.
For more detailed information on the Estate module, please feel free to watch the training video(s) below:
°°° More Menu
Within the More Menu (represented by a °°° icon), you'll find a number of powerful planning modules that allow you to fine-tune strategies for Debt Management, Student Loans, and Stock Plans. You can also calculate a quick life insurance estimate using the Human Life Value Calculator, and view all of your plan Notes on a single page.

- RightCapital's dedicated Debt Management Tool allows you to easily demonstrate the value of eliminating debt in a financial plan using specific debt reduction strategies.
With the Student Loan module, you can help clients better understand their student loans, and model a number of student loan-specific repayment strategies.
The Stock Plans module allows you to analyze a client's stock grants on a more granular level, and demonstrate the long-term benefits of specific exercise and liquidation strategies.
The Human Life Value Calculator provides a fast and simple estimate for life insurance coverage by calculating the present value of future income.
The Notes module is a centralized location to view and edit all of the notes that have been entered within a client plan.
For more detailed information on the °°° More Menu, please feel free to watch the training video(s) below:

The Shared folder is where you and your clients can share documents and other files with one another. Any files uploaded here will be seen by both you and the client.
The Private folder is where you can upload private files and documents. Any files uploaded here will only be seen by you, and will not be visible to the client.
For more detailed information on the Vault, please feel free to watch the "How-To" video tutorials below:
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