In order to utilize the budget analysis, clients must be invited to access their Client Portal, and must use account aggregation to link at least one bank account or credit card to the plan that is feeding in transactions.
To learn more, click here.
As a privacy measure for clients, the Transactions tab is not visible on the advisor side by default. If the client has not chosen to share their transactions with you, you will see the following message: "You don’t have access to view the Transactions tab. The client can grant you permission to view their transactions by navigating to the / Security / Permissions tab within their account."
With this setting deselected on the client side, you'll be able to view and assist clients in managing their transactions going forward. Using the dropdown menus at the top of the page, you can filter transactions by account, budget category, and time period. You can also search for specific transactions by name using the search bar:
For more information on transaction management (splitting transactions, recategorizing transactions, and more) click here.