
Optimize Your Workflow in RightCapital

RightFlows, our integrated workflow management tool, aims to elevate your practice by allowing you to curate and manage your unique financial planning workflows, without ever having to leave RightCapital. Whether you're looking to increase client engagement, boost your personal efficiency, or streamline the planning process for your entire organization, RightFlows equips you with the tools you need to succeed.

Key Takeaways
  • Consistency & Collaboration: Optimize your SOPs, stay on top of important tasks, and collaborate with your colleagues by assigning pre-defined workflows to yourself or teammates.
  • Increase Client Engagement: Assign tasks to clients within a workflow to enhance your client communication and directly involve your clients in the planning process.
  • Convenience & Efficiency: Save time and streamline your various planning processes all in RightCapital, without the need for an outside management solution.
Note For Super Administrators
Although you do not need to be a Super Admin to utilize RightFlows, RightFlows Templates and RightFlows Groups can only be created by super admins at the firm level, via the Gear Icon > Admin tab. For an overview of super admin privileges in RightFlows, click here.

Accessing RightFlows

RightFlows is an add-on feature in RightCapital, available for an additional fee. If you're interested in having this added to your subscription, please reach out to sales@rightcapital.com.

To access RightFlows, navigate to the Advisor Portal > RightFlows tab. After being activated, RightFlows will replace Tasks in the top menu bar. Within the RightFlows tab, you will find both Tasks and Workflows.
The functionality of the consolidated Tasks list will remain unchanged. Tasks that are assigned as part of a workflow will populate in the Tasks tab.

Adding Workflows

In the RightFlows > Workflows tab, you can view and edit your existing workflows, as well as create new workflows. To create a new workflow, click the Add Workflow button in the upper right. This will open a drawer on the right of your screen, allowing you to dial in the details of that workflow:
Workflow: Choose the workflow template that you would like to use as the foundation for this workflow.

Starting date: Select the date that you would like this workflow to start. Step 1 of the workflow will automatically become active on this date.

Frequency: Determine if you would like this workflow to occur on a One Time or recurring basis. Recurring options include Monthly, Quarterly, Semi Annual, and Annual.

When a recurring workflow is completed, the next iteration of that workflow will be automatically scheduled, based on the original workflow Starting Date. For example, a Semi Annual workflow with a Start Date of 01/01/2024, upon being completed, will be scheduled again with a new start date of 07/01/2024.
Include all steps: Decide to either include all steps in the workflow, or to include only select steps by unchecking the boxes for the steps you wish to omit.

Clients: Select one or more client households to apply this workflow to. Multiple households can be selected by individually clicking them from the dropdown.
Assign users or groups to each role found in this workflow: Select one or more people or groups for each role in the workflow. Roles within a workflow can include 'Advisor' and/or 'Assistant'. Individual tasks within a workflow that are assigned to either the 'Advisor' or 'Assistant' roles will be automatically assigned to the people or groups you select for each role. Multiple people or groups can be selected by individually clicking them from the dropdown.
Note For Super Administrators

The advisor/assistant roles are assigned to individual tasks within a workflow template at the firm level. RightFlows groups are also created by super admins at the firm level.

Once the details of your workflow are dialed in, click Save in the lower right corner to finish creating that workflow.

Managing the 'All Workflows' Page

Once a workflow has been added and saved, it will be assigned to your selected client(s) and will appear on the 'All Workflows' page. This is your dashboard for viewing and managing all of your workflows, all in one place. You can toggle between a Table View and Board View by clicking the icon next to 'All Workflows'.

The 'All Workflows' page is shared across all advisors in your firm. To view your own workflows only, use the first filter dropdown at the top of the page to select only yourself. You can also filter and view workflows by progress (scheduled, active, and complete), or by specific workflow template.

Key information for each workflow will be displayed on the 'All Workflows' page for each workflow, including workflow progress, current step, the due date of the next task, and the advisor(s) to whom the workflow is assigned.

Managing Individual Workflows

From the 'All Workflows' page, open an individual client workflow by clicking into it. This will "zoom in" to the workflow, allowing you to view the progress of each individual step. Completed steps will be marked with a checkmark icon, and the step that is currently active will be highlighted with a blue arrow. The date that the workflow began can be seen in the lower left.

Workflow Heirarchy
Workflows are made up of Steps, which are made up of individual Tasks. Complete all tasks within a step to complete that step. Complete all steps within a workflow to complete that workflow.

Completing Tasks

Each step within a workflow is made up of one or more individual tasks. By clicking into a step, you are able to view, edit, or add tasks within that step. To mark a particular task Complete, check the box to the left of that task, and then click the Complete button.

Completing Steps

Once all tasks within a step have been completed, that step will be marked as complete, and the next step will be automatically activated.

Alternatively, you can choose to automatically complete all tasks within a step by using the blue arrow to activate the next step. Click and drag the blue arrow from the current step to the following step, and you will be prompted to "Complete All Tasks" or "Move To The Next Step".

Complete All Tasks: Mark all tasks within the current step as complete (thereby marking that step as complete), and activate the following step.

Move To The Next Step: Activate the following step without marking the tasks within the current step as complete. Upon activating the following step, the current step will remain active as well.

Completing Workflows

Once all steps within a workflow have been completed, the entire workflow will be marked as complete. Once a workflow has been completed, it will be recategorized from "active" to "completed" on the All Workflows dashboard. Completed workflows can be viewed by selecting 'Completed Workflows' from the second dropdown on the All Workflows page.

If a workflow is recurring (monthly, quarterly, semi annual, or annual), completing the workflow will automatically schedule the next iteration of that workflow, as well.

Deleting Workflows

If necessary, you have the ability to quickly complete or delete an entire workflow. To do this, click into the workflow, and then click the "..." icon in the upper right.

Customizing Tasks Within a Workflow

In addition to marking tasks as complete, RightFlows provides the flexibility for you to add additional tasks and make numerous edits to existing tasks within a workflow. In this way, you have the ability to fully tailor a particular workflow to your individual preferences, or to the needs of a specific client.

Editing Tasks

To edit a task, first click into your workflow, then click into a particular step, and then click into the individual task that you wish to edit. Within this window, you are able to fully customize the details of that task as you see fit:

  • Adjust the due date of the task

  • Reassign the task to different or additional users

  • Update the priority of the task (high, low, or none)

  • Change whether or not the task is visible to the client

  • Alter the description for the task

Adding New Tasks

To add a new task, first click into your workflow, then click into a particular step, and then click the blue 'Add Task' button in the upper right. This will open a drawer on the right of your screen, allowing you to dial in the details of that new task. Once completed, click 'Save' to add your new task to that step within your workflow.

Deleting Tasks

If you need to delete one or more tasks from a particular step, open the step and check the boxes for the tasks you wish to delete. Rather than clicking Complete, click Delete to fully remove those tasks from the workflow.

Editing Steps Within a Workflow

Outside of making edits at the task level, you also have the ability to take advisor notes at the step level, in addition to deleting entire steps if you find that they are not required for that specific workflow.

Adding Notes

To add notes within a step, click into that workflow, and then again into the individual step. Click into the Notes subtab within this drawer, and then click the blue Add Note button. These notes are only visible at the advisor level, and will never be visible to your clients.

Deleting Steps

If you need to delete a step from a particular workflow, open the step and click the Delete button in the lower right. Click Delete again within the prompt that appears to fully remove that step from the workflow.

The Client Experience

Upon assigning a workflow to a client, any tasks within the workflow that have been marked Visible to Client 𓁹 will appear within the Dashboard > Tasks tab of that client's portal. Only tasks within steps that are currently active will appear on the client side.

Clients must be both invited to access their portal, and given access to the Dashboard > Tasks tab in their Planning Access checklist, in order to see tasks and actively participate in a workflow.

Marking Tasks Complete

For tasks that have been assigned to the client or co-client, clients will have the ability to mark those tasks "Complete" from the client side by checking the box next to the task, and then clicking Complete in the upper right. Tasks can also be viewed and completed via the Tasks tab in the RightCapital mobile app.

For tasks that are Visible to Client 𓁹, but have only been assigned to an advisor/assistant, the checkbox next to the task will be removed and clients will be unable to mark them complete (see the first task in the above screenshot). These tasks can only be marked as complete on the advisor side.
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