What integrating with FinFolio does for you
Integrating with FinFolio connects client accounts at FinFolio to RightCapital. Once linked, RightCapital pulls in position-level account data from each account and connects them with the client's net worth. The positions and values will be updated Tuesday through Saturday evening with the previous night's closing value.
RightCapital does not pull in contact information from FinFolio; to capture client contact information, establish a CRM integration and then connect the FinFolio information.
How to set up your FinFolio integration
To set up integration with FinFolio:
Log in to RightCapital, click on 'Integrations', and select 'FinFolio'.
Enter your site URL: ”https://[your_subdomain].finfolio.com” into the “API Endpoint” field.
To obtain the "API Token", log into FinFolio (must be logged in as Admin), click the drop-down arrow next to your username and click “Settings” to navigate to the Settings page:
Click “Developers” to access the “Rest API” tab:
Click the eye icon next to your API key, and copy the key to your clipboard. Paste that key in RightCapital's Advisor Portal on the Integrations page under "API Token"
How to use the FinFolio integration
Once the integration is set up, link client accounts
Navigate to Profile > Net Worth (or the 4th step of the initial data entry workflow, if this is a new client)
Click +Link Account and select "FinFolio" from the dropdown menu.
This button only appears if an integration has already been established
Added accounts can be found under the Investment bar on the left of the screen. Account information will be updated daily.