What integrating with Redtail does for you
Integrating with Redtail allows household contact information from Redtail to sync into RightCapital. Contact information, including names and date of birth, will be connected. At this time RightCapital does not retrieve any account information from Redtail. For information on using the single sign-on into Redtail from RightCapital click here.
How to set up your Redtail integration
Navigate to Advisor Portal > Integrations > Redtail.
Enter your login credentials to Redtail
Click Connect – voila! You’re integrated!

How to use the Redtail integration
Once the integration is created, import individual contacts from Redtail with the following process:

A list of matching names will appear with an Import option on the right side, under the “Status” column.

Updating Client Information from Redtail
To update client information, enter the information in Redtail. To populate updated information in RightCapital,
Navigate to Advisor Portal > Integrations > Redtail
Click on the Sync button to update all clients or click on Import button to access all of the clients that have been imported from Redtail, then choose to Sync individual clients.

To completely delete information from RightCapital, delete the entire client by selecting the client's name in the client list and clicking on the 'X' that shows next to their name.