Bank Accounts

Bank accounts can be accounted for within a financial plan via the Net Worth section of the Profile, which is where all of a client's assets and liabilities are entered, along with their current balances. By default, the Net Worth is also the 4th step of the initial data entry process for newly created clients:

There are two ways to enter bank accounts in the Net Worth tab. The first method involves Linking Accounts via Account Aggregation, while the second method is to Add Accounts manually. See below for an overview of each method.

Account Aggregation

If you are a premium or platinum RightCapital subscriber, your clients can link their bank accounts directly to RightCapital via Account Aggregation. This will automatically pull in current balances and account transactions, allowing your clients to make use of the Budget module. Linking accounts via account aggregation can be done by clicking the Link Account button in the upper right of the page:

Within the pop-up window that appears, clients can use the search bar to find a given financial institution (or click one of the available quick links). They will then be guided through the steps to link their accounts at that institution. This typically involves entering their username/password, and completing some form of multi-factor authentication.

After accounts have been linked, they will populate in the appropriate account category on the left side of page. You and your clients can utilize the Connections menu to view and manage all active account connections:
Account Aggregation Availability

Want to upgrade to use account aggregation? Send us a note using the in-app chat feature (or shoot us an email at and we'll get you set up shortly!

Certain advisor-level integrations, like Flourish, can also be used to link a client's bank accounts directly to their RightCapital financial plan. This will automatically pull in current balances, but will not feed account transactions into the Budget module.

Adding Accounts Manually

To manually add a bank account to a client's Net Worth section, click Add Account > Bank:
Bank account entries are quick and straightforward. Enter the Account name, choose the Account Type and Owner, and then enter the current Balance. After being added, bank accounts will populate within the Bank section on the left side of the page.
Learn more about Cash Management options

Bank accounts will make up the "cash reserve" portion of the client's taxable account bucket, and will grow based on your asset return assumption for cash. To learn more about cash management options, click here.

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