RightCapital understands that not every client will draw on their assets in the same way. This is why we offer the ability to utilize dynamic spending strategies, to adjust how clients draw down on their assets in retirement. These retirement spending strategies can be customized based on client behavior or market performance.
Default Spending Strategies
Spending at retirement will be adjusted with general inflation each year. This is tied to your global assumption for general inflation. By default, general inflation is 2.5%.
Retirement expenses will be adjusted by your general inflation rate, minus a specified % reduction. By default, the additional reduction is 1%.
Retirement is split into three stages; spending will be reduced by a specified % during each stage. The default stages are as follows:
Retirement spending will fluctuate with market performance, reflecting a consistent retirement expense rate within a specified corridor. Spending will be reduced in years of down markets, but no lower than the specified floor. In years of strong markets, spending will be increased, but no higher than the specified ceiling. The default floor and ceiling are as follows:
Retirement spending will fluctuate with market performance for a specified timeframe. The guardrails strategy is used to adjust retirement spending based on withdrawal rates from invested assets during a specified time frame. This strategy allows you to set "capital preservation" and "prosperity" rules during this time frame, which act as the guardrails. The default parameters for these rules are as follows:
For more detailed information and background on each of these retirement spending strategies, please see our article on Strategy Type Details.
Adding New Spending Strategies
After adding a spending strategy, you can use the ''Strategy type' field to determine which of the default strategies you would like to use as the basis for your new strategy. The rules and parameters for your custom strategy will change depending on your chosen option:
Re-order Spending Strategies
When viewing the list of your spending strategies, RightCapital allows you to change the order they are displayed. Within the list of strategies on the left, you can click on the title of one of the strategies and then drag it to the desired location.
Delete Spending Strategies
Spending strategies can be deleted by hovering your mouse over a particular strategy, and then clicking the 'x' icon that appears to the right: