Assigning Risk Questionnaires

Explore Risk Assessment in RightCapital

Risk tolerance questionnaires are designed to simplify the important task of assessing a client's willingness and ability to endure market uncertainty. Within an individual client plan you can quickly and easily assign that client a questionnaire, and assess the results once complete. This feature is available as a part of RightCapital's premium and platinum subscription tiers.

Assign a New Questionnaire

To assign a questionnaire to a particular client, open that client's plan and navigate to the Investment > Risk > Score & Assessments tab:
Scroll down to the 'Risk Assessments' section, and click the blue 'Add Assessment' button on the right side of the page. This will open a drawer on the right side of the screen, where you can select both the questionnaire you want to assign, and the client to whom you wish to assign it:

Start vs. Save

After selecting the questionnaire and client, you can proceed with one of two options:

Start: If you want to begin the questionnaire right away, click the 'Start' button in the lower left of the drawer. This option is ideal if a client is with you in person (or virtually, via screen share), and you want them to fill out the questionnaire in the moment:
Save: If you want the client to complete this questionnaire at a later time, click the 'Save' button in the lower right of the drawer. This will cause the questionnaire to be saved as an 'In-Progress' assessment:
Regardless of whether you 'Start' or 'Save', incomplete questionnaires can be saved and resumed at any time by you or the client, within the Risk Assessment section of the Score & Assessment tab:

Completing a Questionnaire

Once you've assigned and saved a given questionnaire, clients who have been invited to their RightCapital plans will be prompted to complete the questionnaire via a notification screen the next time they sign in. This will display the introduction that was entered for that questionnaire, as well as the current progress:
If clients choose the "I Will Do It Later" option, they can find and resume the questionnaire at any point in the Investment > Risk > Score & Assessments tab. You can give clients access to the Score & Assessments tab within their Planning Access checklist:
Invited clients who choose "I Will Do It Later" will be prompted to complete the questionnaire again each time they log in, until the questionnaire is completed.
Once a response has been selected for each question in the questionnaire, a 'Complete' option will appear alongside Save. Clicking 'Complete' will finish the questionnaire, and cause a score to be calculated:

By default, invited clients that are completing a questionnaire via their client portal will not see the score after completing the questionnaire. If you'd like them to be able to see the score, you can choose to share the score with them by re-opening the completed questionnaire, and clicking the "Shared With Client" icon:

If you'd like to be notified when clients complete risk assessments, you can opt into these notifications via the Bell Icon > Notification Settings tab of the Advisor Portal.
Next Steps - Understanding Questionnaire Scores
The maximum possible score total of your questionnaire will always translate to a Risk Score of 100. All other possible scores will be calculated relative to the maximum.

For more on Understanding Questionnaire Scores, click here.

Add a Questionnaire to the Initial Data Entry

For new clients who are still within the initial data entry phase, Risk Questionnaires can be added to the virtual onboarding template. This can be done within the Clients tab of the Advisor Portal, by choosing a the client from your client list and then opening their Onboarding tab:

The Onboarding tab is only accessible for clients who have yet to complete the initial data entry process. To read more about onboarding customization, click here.

Check the box next to Risk Questionnaire to add that step to the data entry process. Be sure to click into the underlined header within the Onboarding tab to specify:

  • Which of your pre-built questionnaires you'd like to assign to the client

  • Whether you would like the co-client to also complete that assessment

After clicking Save, the virtual data entry template will be updated to reflect your changes. If the initial data entry is bypassed without completing the questionnaire(s), they can still be accessed going forward within the Investment > Risk > Score & Assessments tab of the client plan.

Download a Questionnaire

If you'd prefer to download a copy of a questionnaire as a PDF file (either to print or email to the client), this can be done within the Risk > Questionnaires tab of the Advisor Portal. Choose a questionnaire from the dropdown in the upper left, click the "..." icon next to the name of the assessment, and then select "Download":

Please note that only Published questionnaires are able to be downloaded. You will not be able to download questionnaires that are still in the Draft phase.

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