The 'Health Savings Account distributions' setting can be found within the Gear Icon > Settings > Methodology tab of each client plan:

This setting determines when the system will start using Health Savings Account (HSA) assets to fund medical expenses. The default setting is Start to fund medical expenses immediately.
- Start to fund medical expenses immediately: HSA assets will be distributed as soon as medical expenses begin to occur within the plan.
- Start to fund medical expenses at first retirement: HSA assets will accumulate untouched until the year of first retirement. After that point, HSA assets will be distributed as soon as medical expenses begin to occur within the plan.
- Start to fund medical expenses at second retirement: HSA assets will accumulate untouched until both clients retire. After that point, HSA assets will be distributed as soon as medical expenses begin to occur within the plan.
You can also select a client's age, co-client age, or calendar year to begin HSA distributions within each plan. Each of these options will see HSA assets accumulate until the year indicated, after which HSA assets will be distributed as soon as medical expenses occur.
Within the Retirement > Cash Flows, you'll be able to track HSA assets as they are distributed within the Summary > Planned Distribution > HSA column: