The 'Distribute investment income from taxable account' setting can be found within the Gear Icon > Settings > Methodology tab of each client plan:

This setting will automatically distribute interest and dividends from taxable accounts as income within a client's plan. The default setting is Never.
- Never will turn off automatic distribution of investment income within the plan. Interest and dividends will be factored into the client's portfolio return.
- Every year will automatically distribute investment income starting right away within the plan.
- After retirement will automatically distribute investment income starting in retirement within the plan.
Within the Retirement > Cash Flows, you'll be able to track investment income as it is distributed within the Summary > Income Inflows > Investment Income column:

How are interest and dividends calculated?
Rightcapital calculates interest and dividends by looking at the asset class breakdown of the client's portfolio, in tandem with your advisor-specific return assumptions.