Legacy goals can be utilized to model a specified amount that clients would like to pass to heirs at the end of the plan. These goal cards can be added within the Goals section of the Profile by clicking Add Goal > Legacy. This can also be done within the Goals step of the initial data entry process for new clients.
Legacy Goal Data Entry
Click on the card to open a data entry drawer on the right side of your screen, allowing you to input the details:
Target amount: Enter the dollar amount of the legacy goal.
Legacy: Choose when the legacy goal will exit the plan as a cash outflow.
Annual Increase: Determine which inflation rate will be used to project the target amount out into the future. 'Customized Inflation' allows you to enter a specific percentage that will only be used for this goal.
If you'd prefer to enter a future dollar amount, you can leave the Annual Increase field set to 'No inflation'.
Additional Information
After being entered, legacy goals can be tracked within the Cash Flows module of the Retirement section. You can find Legacy goals within the Cash Flows > Summary page, by clicking into the Goals > Legacy column: