Create a Custom Vesting Schedule

Vesting schedules within RightCapital are a crucial component of Stock Plan data entry, allowing you to specify exactly when a client's stock grants will vest within their financial plan. Advisors can create their own custom vesting schedules in the Models > Vesting tab of the Advisor Portal:

To create a new vesting schedule, click "Add Vesting" on the left. After being created, the new vesting schedule can be renamed by clicking the pencil and paper icon next to the name:

After adding a vesting schedule, you can use the 'Vesting Type' and 'Vesting Period' options to tailor the schedule to best suit your needs. Once these are dialed in, you can enter the vesting percentages into each row of the schedule, to determine what percentage of each grant will vest for each time interval. Once the total equals 100%, click the blue Save button in the lower right.
Vesting Type: Choose between Annual, Semi-Annual, Quarterly, and Monthly vesting. The time interval between each row of the schedule will automatically adjust to reflect your chosen option.

Vesting Period: The total number of years for your vesting schedule. You can choose anywhere between 1 and 10 years for the total vesting period.

After new vesting schedules are created and saved in the Advisor Portal, they can be leveraged in every client plan. Within a stock plan entry in the Profile > Net Worth, you will find your custom vesting options alongside the default schedules:

Once applied, you can track stock grants as they vest in two areas:

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