Details Tab - Estate Analysis

The Details tab of RightCapital's Estate Analysis module provides a list of categories that, together, represent the monetary values reflected in the Estate flow chart. You can access this tab within the Estate > Analysis module of each and every client plan:

The Details page provides information in a more traditional table reminiscent of a balance sheet, as opposed to the flow chart's dynamic presentation. Here's you'll be able to see the individual assets and liabilities that make up each client's gross estate, the taxes and fees that will reduce their estates upon their passing, as well as the total to heirs and total to charity after the clients pass away:

In joint plans, the first client to pass away will be listed on the left, the second client to pass will be listed in the center, and assets held outside of the estate will be listed to the right.

Just like the flow chart, the values in this table will update in real time as you make adjustments within the Action Items at the bottom of the page. Click on the dropdown arrow below for more details on Action Item functionality within the Estate Analysis:

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