The General Inflation rate is used to adjust living expenses and general goals. The general inflation rate is also used for a number of other functions in RightCapital, including:
The five Retirement Spending Strategies, within the Profile > Goals > Retirement Expense card
The Today's Dollars toggle in the Retirement > Analysis tab
The Discount Rate used for Optimization setting, in the Gear Icon > Settings > Other Assumptions tab
Any Expenses or Goals with an Annual Increase field that is set to "General Inflation"

The default general inflation rate is 2.5%. This setting can be found and adjusted at the global level in the ... More Menu > Assumptions > Inflation tab of your Advisor Portal:

This setting can also be adjusted at the client level, within the Gear Icon > Settings > Other Assumptions tab of a particular client plan. Changes made here will only impact the specific client household you are currently working on: