Categories Tab - Risk Module

The Advisor Portal > Risk > Categories tab is your opportunity to align RightCapital's risk scoring system with your unique perspective on risk. By enabling this tab, you will have the ability to create custom risk tolerance categories:

After enabling Risk Tolerance Categories, you will be able to see the risk category for each portfolio in the Risk > Summary > Portfolio tab of the Advisor Portal:

You will also be able to see an additional "Household Risk Classification" chart within the Investment > Risk > Summary tab of each client plan:

Keeping the Categories tab disabled will hide the elements shown above. Risk categories are an entirely optional classification, and can be toggled on or off at any time.

Default Categories

By default, there will be three risk tolerance categories:

Low Tolerance: Risk Scores 1-40
Medium Tolerance: Risk Scores 41-70
High Tolerance: Risk Scores 71-100

Add and Customize Categories

To create a new category, simply hover your mouse over the chart and click. Drag and drop each band along the chart to determine the upper and lower thresholds for each of your categories. Up to 10 categories can be added:

Categories can be renamed via the 'Category Name' column beneath the chart. To delete a category, hover your mouse over that category and click the 'x' icon that appears to the far right:

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