
Client meetings are fantastic for checking in, setting goals, and keeping your clients engaged with your advice. You have probably had a client walk away from an extraordinary meeting and promptly forget everything you just talked about! It can slow down the success that you are most interested in.

RightCapital has you covered! Using Tasks helps keep the momentum rolling between client meetings - ensuring that your client's future is ready for life's ups and downs.
To access Tasks, navigate to the client and select Dashboard > Tasks.

Adding and Completing Tasks

Use the Tasks screen to document specific tasks to further your client's financial plans. This can be a great way to keep clients engaged in the planning process and ensure they accomplish the agreed-upon tasks. Tasks can be assigned to an individual client, a group, or your entire client list.

Pro Tip

You can assign tasks or task templates on a Client Group basis - read our Grouping Clients article for more details.

Advisors can grant clients access to add/edit tasks by visiting the Advisor Portal > Client Settings > Permissions tab. Your Client Settings tab may be located in the Advisor Portal > °°° More Menu, depending on your specific account setup.

Once there, check off the "Allow client to add/edit tasks" setting. This is a global setting and will apply to all clients. Clients can only edit tasks they have created, not tasks the advisors have entered.

As tasks are completed, advisors will be notified by email (see the 'Notifications' header for more details). As the advisor, you can complete any task. Clients can only complete tasks that are assigned to them.

Adding and Completing Multiple Tasks

Advisors can add, complete, and delete tasks in the Advisor Portal > Tasks tab or within the client plan (Dashboard > Tasks tab). Select multiple tasks manually, or click the tasks category box (Overdue, This week, Future, etc.), then click the option to "Complete" or "Delete" the selected tasks using the boxes above.

Once a task is completed, it cannot be undone, so make sure you complete the correct task!

Tasks Templates

Tasks templates allow advisors to add the same tasks in bulk to various client plans. Users can create templates containing multiple tasks in the Advisor Portal > Templates > Tasks tab. Your Templates tab may be located in the Advisor Portal > °°° More Menu, depending on your specific account setup.
On the Dashboard > Tasks screen, advisors can add tasks from a template in addition to adding individual tasks. When adding a task template, users can specify the initial due date and the individual the tasks will be assigned to. Upon clicking 'Save', all of the tasks from the template will be added to the tasks list. The due date set for each task will be calculated using the initial due date and the number of days specified in the template.

Once task templates are added to a client's plan, they are no longer connected to the original task template in any way. Any changes to the individual tasks will not impact the template stored in the Advisor Portal.

Each task is created using the task drawer when setting up a template. This gives advisors additional flexibility to specify who each task is assigned to, the task priority, and indicate if the task is visible to the client. 
  • By default, all tasks within an existing task template will have no priority assigned, be visible to the client, and have the client selected in the assign to field.

  • When tasks are added from a task template, the advisor will see a preview of all tasks, the task details that make up that template, and the corresponding due dates.

  • You cannot create recurring tasks in a task template.

Consolidated Tasks List

Advisors can access a list of all tasks in one place by visiting the Advisor Portal > Tasks tab. The tasks tab lists your client's tasks based on when the task is due (overdue, due this week, and due in the future). The Tasks tab has two options: the Table and Board views. Tasks are created using our drawer interface. A drawer will open with all the task inputs when adding a new task or editing an existing task.

Advisors can set up recurring tasks on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. At any given time, we will only see one occurrence of a recurring task. Once the task occurrence is completed/deleted, the next occurrence will be created. Tasks can also be marked as not visible to the client. These tasks will be hidden when the client logs into their Portal and navigates to their Tasks module. The tasks will also be excluded from the Tasks Snapshot widget and will not appear on the PDF report. The recurring symbol and privacy icon will be displayed for applicable tasks on both the Board and Table views.

Table View

All existing advisors and clients will default to the table view. This area includes an "All tasks" dropdown menu allowing advisors to sort between tasks assigned to themselves and those assigned to clients. Advisors can also see completed tasks and complete or delete tasks from the consolidated list as needed. When looking at the Table view, we can switch between Current tasks and Completed tasks using the dropdown menu. The Table view is recommended for plans that have a lot of tasks.

Board View

The Board view visually organizes overdue tasks, tasks due this week, future tasks, and completed tasks on one screen. Each card represents a task and displays details such as the household name, task description, due date, assign to, and task priority. New advisors will default to the Board view, and existing advisors will continue to see the Table view. The layout can be easily toggled between the Board and Table views by clicking on the icon next to the Tasks module title. The selection will also be saved for the next time the user navigates to this screen. Clicking anywhere on the household name will select the task and enable the Complete/Delete functionality. Clicking below the household name will open a drawer with the task details. Tasks can be completed by dragging and dropping the card into the completed column. If numbers or bullet points are used within tasks, they will not display in the board view to save space. Once the task is clicked, this information can then be seen. For recurring tasks, only one occurrence will show at a time. The board view is always showing the next occurrence of a recurring task. Tasks will always be ordered by the due date. The board view will always show five tasks in each section at a time, or however many tasks are entered if under five. Users can utilize the three dots at the bottom of each column to see more tasks in that specific column. The "Click to see more" option at the bottom of the page will load five additional tasks for all columns.
Within each client plan, there is one saved selection for the tasks view/layout. If the client logs in and changes the view to Board view, and then the advisor opens the plan and changes the view to Table view, the client will see the Table view upon their next login.


You and your clients can receive task notifications via email. Control the advisor notifications received by navigating to Advisor Portal > Bell Icon > Notification Settings. Task-related updates can be sent when they are assigned, when they are due, and when they are overdue. Updates will also be received when a task is completed. These updates will come in a daily email sent at 11:00 a.m. ET.
Similarly, clients can control task notifications by logging into their Client Portal and navigating to ⚙️ > Notifications. The task reminder emails will come from you and include your custom branding.
The default task notification settings for clients can be set at a global level in the Advisor Portal > Client Settings > Notifications tab. To read more about global client notification settings, click here.
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